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"Ideas will be the major source of new wealth" - Brian Tracy
"The solution too any problem is just an idea" - Marsh Fisher
"It just takes one idea to live like a king for the rest of our life" - Ross Perot
"There is nothing more valuable than an idea - especially when it involves creating and perpetuating something of lasting value" - Norman Brinker
"The average person has four ideas a year, which if any one is acted on, would make them a millionaire" - Brian Tracy
"New ideas and opportunities come to those who decide what they want and have the courage to pursue it" - Michael Leboeuf
"The one thing no one has figured out how to outsource is the creation of ideas" - Keith Ferrazzi
"Getting an idea should be like sitting on a pin, it should make you jump up and do something" - Unknown
"One idea can make you rich. A dozen ideas will make your Richer...Quicker" - M.R. Kopmeyer
"A good idea is worth one dollar. The plan for implementing that idea is worth a million dollars." - Laura Beth Jones
"When you are through creating ideas - you are through" - Vernon Myers
"Creativity is about getting ideas" - Unknown
"Ideas won't work unless you do" - Unknown
"The ultimate joy of creativity is moving your ideas from the dream stage into the steam stage" - Jordan Ayan
"You must go to work on an idea as soon as it strikes you" - Dr. William Scholl
"Every idea or thing created is an extension, synthesis, or duplication of previous ideas and/or things." - Michael Leboeuf
"Whenever an answer, a solution, or a creative idea is needed, stop thinking for a moment by focusing attention on your inner energy field. … When you resume thinking, it will be fresh and creative." — Eckhart Tolle, Practicing the Power of Now